
Drawing Paths:

draw lines between your clicks on canvas

New Path:

new lines will continue to connect to previous until you click this


set width of lines (1-99)

Line Cap:

choose whether lines in your path will stop immediately, be rounded, or be squared

Fills: Solid Color:

set color of shapes, lines, or image tint

Vertical Gradient:

choose two colors for a vertical linear gradient of shapes, lines, or image tint


set opacity of shapes, lines, or image tint (0-99)


click "draw shape" and draw lines as if drawing a path, and "end shape" to fill it with your color!


choose whether you'd like the shape to connect your points with quadratic/cubic curves (or just basic linear edges)


bit different.. just click a point on your canvas as the center and click again to set the radius

Images: Add Image:

choose an image file to add as the background of your canvas

Tint Image:

add solid color or gradient fill to your background image (based on color(s) and opacity selections)

Invert Image:

invert the colors and tint of the background image

Erasers: Erase Last:

remove most recently added shape/line from your canvas


removes everything you've created from the canvas (except for an image/tint just in case you want to keep it)

Erase Image:

removes image and tint (remove tint if you want to just do that of course)

Michael Beebe's Graphic Playground

play 10% of a game?

my code


contact me: michaelbeebe1031@gmail.com